LRAN organise the Virgin London Mini Marathon trials on behalf of the England Athletics East Midlands Regional Council.
Six runners will be selected to compete for the East Midlands region in each age group team (plus two reserves) and this will normally be the first six finishers in each trial race, plus the next two who will be nominated as reserves. Members of selected teams will travel to London by coach from a central point on Saturday 22nd April 2017 and will return in the afternoon of the 23rd after the race. Running T shirt, overnight accommodation, evening meal and breakfast plus return travel, if required, will all be provided. Team members must travel to London together on the team coach; however they may choose to return with parents/guardians after the race. No parents will be allowed on the team coach or at the overnight accommodation. There are no team races for this event; everyone must enter as an individual. The England Athletics regional council reserve the right to pre-select an athlete or athletes only in exceptional circumstances (International athletics duty on the day of the trials for example).
Under 13 girls and boys must be 11 or over on 26th April 2015
East Midlands qualification is by residence, attending school, or birth in the region.