Technique Drills 2


Posture should be with the head tall, hips high and with a long back held firmly and engaging core. Knees should ideally come to 90 degrees and rotate back to under the centre of gravity ready to push off again. The leg moment should be in two parts 1) an upward swing and then 2) rotated in a downwards arc. Leading foot should be dorsiflexed. As the lead foot returns to the ground instigate a short skip. Remember to drive with the arms in a exaggerated running action.

Common errors. Football kick. Leg is raised in one upward movement with the foot plantarflexed. Leaning forward with “sunken” hips.

A-Skip with Kick

Body start position as with A skip. Kick out from the hip as the leg reaches full 90 degrees extension. There are two distinct movements as the leg lifts and then extends. The foot should not be pointed out but dorsiflexed with the toes facing back at you. It is imperative to ensure that hamstrings are properly warmed up prior to executing this drill. With practice and as hip movement improves the leg can, and will, extend higher. Practice by kicking a wall with a flat foot with leg as fully extended as possible.

Hurdle Bounds

Coaching Notes: Upright posture, feet together and bound with high knees. Ensure not to over rotate forward as this makes the feet land behind the centre of gravity and makes it very difficult to re-bound and causes stress and imbalance though the whole of the kinetic chain.

Power Up Drill

Keep the head tall and keep a long back. Drive with as much power through the step as possible using the forefoot and hold with knee at 90 degrees and foot dorsiflexed. You should not “roll” forward from the step but make it a defined movement. Alternate leg with each proceeding step. Start with 1 minute and gradually build up to 2 minutes. Holding form is key to performing the exercise correctly.

1,2,3 Drill (ignore false start!)

Coaching Notes: Posture should be with the head tall, hips high and with a long back held firmly and engaging core. Start drill on one leg with knee at 90 degrees and foot dorsiflexed. Change position quickly taking three steps (1,2,3.) to land on opposite foot. “Power” through the feet. Listen and feel for the “hit” as the foot strikes the ground. Hold for approx 1 second and repeat. Ensure the foot lands under the centre of gravity or the drill cannot be executed.  Remember to drive with the arms in a exaggerated running action.  [NB: The coach would have liked to have seen a bit more dorsiflexion of the foot.]

A-Skip “Double Time”

Combination of A skip and 1,2,3 drills. Posture should be with the head tall, hips high and with a long back held firmly and engaging core. Knees should ideally come to 90 degrees and rotate back to under the centre of gravity ready to push off again. The leg moment should be in two parts 1) an upward swing and then 2) rotated in a downwards arc. Leading foot should be dorsiflexed.

Begin as with 1,2,3 drill but replace the hold with a double skip. Drive foot down with force.